SAP Assessment Dorset

Compliance with Building Regulations for Energy & Carbon

SAP Assessment Dorset

What is a SAP Assessment?

SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is a methodology set out by the Government to show that a build complies with the energy and carbon requirements of current building regulations. It determines how much energy a property will use to provide an acceptable level of comfort and service for its occupants and is a standard for comparing a property’s performance.

A SAP rates a property’s performance in terms of its total energy use, its energy efficiency and its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. It is based on estimates of annual energy consumption for heating, hot water, lighting, appliances and weather-related heating and cooling.

A rating can be anywhere between 1 and 100+. The higher the SAP rating, the lower your energy costs and the lower the subsequent CO2 emissions. After a SAP has been carried out it will be used to create the property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

Booking a SAP Assessment with EPC Dorset

At EPC Dorset we can offer practical advice on how to improve the energy efficiency of your property and suggest ways you can reduce your CO2 emissions.

As part of the EPC we examine properties to record their age, building type, number of windows and roof construction. We take photographs, record measurements, create floor plans, assess the insulation and the type of central heating system being used.

We are accredited to Elmhurst Energy who ensure our work is completed to the highest standard, with regular audits and checks carried out to ensure we are always up to date with the latest regulations, advice and information. We are also fully insured.

EPC Dorset

Improve Your SAP Rating

At EPC Dorset we are up to date with the latest regulations, advice and information regarding compliance with the energy efficiency and CO2 emissions requirements of current Building Regulations. If you are looking to improve your SAP rating, lower your energy costs and lower your carbon dioxide emissions then please contact us for an informal chat.
Contact EPC Dorset